Student led conferences. What How Why
Welcome to my student led conference
Re What I have learnt
Footsteps I’m good at
I need to work on
My goal was
I’ve read this year
Response to reading read best part
My next goal is
Show learning intention
Show Running Record and what need to focus on
Written language (don’t need to read story- can do at home)
Genre I’ve written
My intention for each piece of writing
Show learning intention
Authentic use of learning
Show sign off and next step
Maths What has been covered-
Graph showing where I’m in basic facts and what is my next goal
Show learning intention
Authentic use of learning I need to know because
Show sign off and next step
Basic facts sheet shown
The Topic
My learning question
And what I’ve discovered
Explain inquiry model
The Topic
My learning question
And what I’ve discovered & learnt
Explain what we are doing at present- North Korea
Leadership roles
-Student Council
_House Captain
-Road Patrol
My piece of work I’m proud of >>>>
-e.g. narrative work
Art work?
Electives what I have gained and transferred into life?
My goals for term * are 1 /2 /3
Any questions mum and dad
Other ideas
Managing self